You will wake up one day from that self imposed breakup trance and discover that it was all a big joke - Oh the self imposed boundaries - You will laugh out loud at yourself, for being so silly to have allowed yourself to wallow in those emotions of a break up for so long. I know... right now you are devastated emotionally. Probably plunged in to a financial crisis, dealing with custodial issues of children or dependants, undergoing drastic changes in your life style and dealing with the p...
2009-09-18 14:42:39.0 Water Cube turns pink to raise breast cancer awareness breast cancer,pink ribbon,Water Cube,picture story 1 159409 Picture Story 2@lt /enpproperty--> It's hard, from within the storm of every day life, to see things with real perspective, to know what's important and what's simply pressing on our consciousness right now, demanding attention. We have people emailing us for information and requesting action, we have phone calls and visitors and a l...